During July 2018 Fundación Proyecto Maniapure, ADS and Galeria D'Museo in Caracas invited all public to visit Venezuela a 6 Mil Pies de Altura exposition that displays a set of 42 pictures of Venezuela from above. All pictures sold will be in benefit of Maniapure Emprender program that looks after empowering young inhabitants from these remote regions by teaching them leadership and other managerial skills.

The opening of the exposition was on July 13th at Galeria D'Museo at Centro Cultural Los Galpones de los Chorros in Caracas.
I wanted to take advantage of a collection of over 20K pictures of Venezuela, show the amazing country that we have and raise funds for the noble cause of Fundación Proyecto Maniapure
Ricardo Sanabria is a young artist passionate about photography and aviation. He has been taking pictures of Venezuela since he was 18. His collection overpasses 20K files from all over the country.
The Expo
#VenezuelaA6MilPies is the name of the expo that displays 42 images from across all regions of the country. The most attractive component is that the images are taken from a small airplane #cessna #c206 and they show a beautiful country full of rich landscapes and spectacular sites.